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Create a habbo

This is what it looks like when you see  and creat your new habbo account if you don't allready know

My fake habbo

This is the desplay of create a habbo for a male, these are instructions on how to make the habbo


  • Choose a name
  • Choose your look and style to suit your needs
  • Choose a password with between 5-9 characters and atleast 1 number
  • Click next and put in your correct birth date and e-mail adress
  • Now your ready to enjoy habbohotel

Note: Habbos under 11 cannot enter the website

Woman habbo

This is a display of a habbo but as a female do the same things as the other habbo male at the top of this page

some slang translations:

  • Lag-slow
  • ppl-people
  • y-why
  • u-you
  • kk-ok

WARNING: Scams here are a few scams i know DO NOT fall for them



  • Scammer:Type :perofrmance and then enter your pass and press ctrl + m
  • Tell me your home/mobile number
  • Tell me your pass and i will get you free furni
  • Tell me your password
  • I can get you free credits
  • Ring this number


Remember i am a hobba if anyone does this to you send me an e-mail to